The Inspiration for our Business Name - Broome Staircase Designs

The Inspiration for our Business Name - Broome Staircase Designs

Have you ever wondered where the name Broome Staircase Designs originated from?

Well, it all started back in 2002, when our very talented Jewellery Designer, Julia Prynne went to Broome on a holiday and experienced her very first "Staircase to the Moon". The rest is history!

The Staircase to the Moon is a natural phenomenon caused by the rising of a full moon reflecting off the exposed mudflats in Roebuck Bay at extremely low tide, to create a beautiful optical illusion of a stairway reaching to the moon.

"This world class event only happens a few times each month between March and November and is breathtaking to see" said Julia Prynne.  "The first time I saw this I was so inspired that I started designing straight away with each pearl being the centre-piece of each Staircase Design" said Julia Prynne. "My designs were very simple back then and featured silver and gold, shells and pearls, but everyone loved them because they were so different".


In 2004 Julia opened her first retail outlet in Chinatown, Broome and then expanded into the world on 'online shopping' with the launch of her online store under the same banner.

The journey continues as Broome Staircase Designs continues to bring a little bit of Broome to each and everyone of our customers in the form of beautiful Staircase Designs...........





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